

英语重点短语 2023-12-12 10:14 876 墨鱼


今天和各位朋友分享100条英语固定短语和例句,有助于语法的学习。喜欢的朋友一起来看看吧。1.agree with 同意……的意见(想法);符合I can't agree with you about that. 就那件事,关于成功的英语例句请接受我较良好的祝愿,祝你幸福和成功。Please accept my best wishes for your happiness and success. 他经过艰苦的努力,终于成功地取得了。He succeeded i

英语听力网权威发布16个英语短语及例句,更多16个英语短语及例句相关信息请访问英语听力网。1、for/from want of 由于缺少……The flowers died from want of wa英语词组例句1.be famous/know for(以.而闻名/因.而出名) Michael Jackson is famous for his dance.杰克逊以他philips1111 评论(2) 2023-08-10 英语词组带

英语交流中可以让对话更加舒服和加分的短语及例句Advanced English phrases in conversation 如果喜欢,后面会继续分享给大家每日一句:Success is t英语短语结构加例句1. Break the ice (打破僵局) 例句:I always find it hard to break the ice at social events, but once I do, I have a great time. 2. Catch someone'

篇1:all的英语短语例句:It's all sorted. 一切都办妥了。They're all good players, but she's the best of all. 他们都是优秀运动员,而她更是其中的佼佼者。She patted all t第一篇:用于表示总结的关键英语短语--及例句as a matter fact事实上As a matter of fact, she found herself enjoying the physical labor.事实上,她发现她

2016中考英语高频短语与例句51.start off 以……开始,出发;开始They start off early,so that they can catch the train. 他们出发得早,可以赶上火车。52.c16个英语短语及例句1、for/from want of 由于缺少……The flowers died from want of water. 这些花由于缺少水而枯死了。Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medici


标签: take短语归纳及例句



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