
your parents,My parents are energetic

our parents are kind to us 2023-11-23 17:00 985 墨鱼
our parents are kind to us

your parents,My parents are energetic

your parent 是第三人称吗? 答案是的. your parent 意思是:你的父亲(母亲),指父母中的一个your parents 是复数,指父母双方结果二题目your parent 是第三人称吗?答案3. You are not your parents. 你不是你的父母。4. You're not the abusive things they say about you either. 如果他们对你出言不逊辱骂诋毁,并不是他们骂你

∩▂∩ 5. Have you ever had conflicts with your parents? Well yes, occasionally I and my parents disagreed on many issues regarding social connections or the choices of electr用do 因为虽然parent是第三单数形式,但有[s] 就说明是两者及以上.因此用do.

网络释义1. 你的父母解几道初一英语题谢谢大家!!_百度知道我的书包my school bag你的父母your parents在书桌下under the desk zhidao.baidu|基于12个网页答案:C 核心短语/词汇:your parents:你的父母句子译文:那些是你父母吗?解析:your parents,你的父母;句子be动词是are,则需要一个表示复数意义的指示代词做主语,因此,答案为C

Parents are born and determined by themselves. 19、儿女都是父母身上肉。Children are the flesh of their parents. 20、生前不给父母吃,死后何必去祭坟。If you don't So, the time has come for you to meet your girlfriend’s parents. You might be feeling a mixture of nervousness, excitement and fear. You’ll want h


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