
words的例句,用word by word造句

in other words例句 2023-12-09 16:32 647 墨鱼
in other words例句

words的例句,用word by word造句

I have tried to pack a good deal into a fewwords. 我尽量言简意赅。柯林斯例句He talks quite slowly and spaces hiswordsout. 他说得很慢,每个词之间都有停顿。柯林斯since/as/so/because (of)/due to/owing to/the reason why/in other words/leads to/cause 1、due to 例句与用法The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow . 他应得的工资明天

英文短句/例句1.Nouns join to form compounds.名词和名词结合构成复合词。2.Analysis on Nominal Compound Words Containing Quantifier Morpheme;简析含有“量词语素”的Words fail me / at a loss for words 表示无法说话。通常用于表达怀疑、不相信或惊慌。E.g.: “Words fail me, I don’t know what to say…”or “I can’t believe he d

∪^∪ words making up the dialogue of a play; "the actor forgot his speech" 查看更多words的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.) His lips could hardly frame th复数:words现在分词:wording过去式:worded 搭配同义词v.+n. say word,use word,hear word,keep word,speak word adj.+n. single word,english word,good word,right word,s

wɜ:dz] 美[wɜ:dz]。3.words只能是名词,但是word除了可以做名词还可以做动词,意思是措辞,用词;用言语表达;讲话等。例句:You have misconstrued his双语例句1、Single words are the building blocks of language.单词是语言结构的基本单位。2、I can barely strin

╯ω╰ Famous last words! have a word in sb's ear have a word with have the last〔final〕word have words in a word in other words in word keep one's word word的用法例句双语例句1. I have tried to pack a good deal into a fewwords. 我尽量言简意赅。来自柯林斯例句2. He talks quite slowly and spaces hiswordsout. 他说得很慢,每个词之间都有停顿。


标签: 用word by word造句



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