
far less than,less

neither can i 2023-11-16 19:51 518 墨鱼
neither can i

far less than,less

far more than=远远超过far less than=远远少过如果没错的话,应该是这样了People living on free stuff should be far less than in India. This affects the Economy of India more negatively than Chinese. 主要原因如下:中国努力工作。中国人每天认

29. less than 少于/不到【重点句型】1. I go to the movies maybe once a month. 我可能一个月看一次电影。2. ——How often does he watch TV? 他多久看I receive much less pay than he does. 我得到的报酬比他少的多。This boiler uses far less water

↓。υ。↓ Turnedtolookbackto thevicissitudesofthat,onlytofindthemselvestoofaroutof the far,farlessthanin thepasthasreturned. 转过身去回望那一地沧桑,才发现自己走出了太远太远far less than 英美远少于分享单词到:

(-__-)b 1、意思上的区别:fewer than:少于。less than:不足;以内;小于,决不;没有。2、用法上的区别:fewer than用于可数名词。less than用于不可数名词,实际生活中也可以用于可数名词。例句:far less than发音意思翻译远远不及远小于远少于相似词语短语far less───大大小于,少得多;远不及less than───小于;少于;不到;小于,决不;以内;没有;不足a


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