

knock造句简单 2023-11-19 21:37 654 墨鱼


ˇ△ˇ 1.help to do sth帮助做某事Gina can't help to open the door.Mike helps to wash the dishes.2.help sb帮助某人help (sb) to do sth帮助(某人)做某事,其中的to可省略。例句:Ca如果为了用“help”造句,可以这么写:If you wish to improve your English writing, A Word A Day helps. 7.Although a kill switch has been found and the


学习英语单词不仅知识会拼写,知道它的意思,更重要的是还要知道如何运用它,会用它组词造句,这篇文章我们就来整理几个关于help的英语短句。1. She turned to me help造句复制1、helpyourself—there's heaps more.(请随便取用—还多着呢。2、Can Ihelpyou, madam?(要帮忙吗,夫人? 3、Can Ihelpyou, love?(亲爱的,我能帮你忙吗? 4


试题来源:解析Can I help you?要我帮忙吗?I need your h 结果一题目help造句答案Can I help you?要我帮忙吗?I need your help.我需要你的帮助. 相关推荐1 help造Help!造句1、Short man: I was crying "Help!Help!" 2、Help!' she screamed. 3、Help!I'm trapped! 4、The drowning man cried"Help!" 5、Suddenly we hear

ask for help造句简单

●﹏● 1、Help me! Help me,helpme! @ he said, 2、Slowhelpis nohelp. -- Trench 3、You needhelp. Your child needshelp. 4、Anyhelpis better than nohelp. 5、Al单词HELP 例句大全,用单词HELP造句:Aah!Helpme! Im on fire! 救我啊,我烧着了Help! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! Aah! Hold on, man! Outside the box. 救命!哦,天哪!哦,上帝啊

ask sb for help造句简单

(°ο°) You can help yourself by helping others.你可以通过帮助别人来帮助自己。There are fruits on the table. Help yo用help造句1. I need your help to move this heavy furniture. 2. Can you help me understand this math problem? 3. The volunteer organization is always looking for


标签: ask造句简单



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