

以便于的英文 2023-11-16 09:30 742 墨鱼


做决定的英文Make a decision 做决定Make a decision 双语例句1.You'd better consider this and factor this into your decision making. 你最好考虑一下这一点,并在做决indulge inindulge作“纵情,沉溺”解时,是不及物动词,后接介词“in+名词/动名词”,表示“尽情、无节制地做某事或享受”,Do not always indulge in empty talk

形容词与名词、或副词与动词的搭配:fine feed(精细进给,小进刀量), foreign matter(杂质), crude oil(原油), try hard(奋战, 努力), snow heavily(下大雪) 6resolve指“打定主意做某事或不做某事”,如:I resolve to study English.我决定学英语。decide determine resolve 都有“决定”的意思。decide 指“经过询问、研

刚要做某事,打定主意要刚要做某事,打定主意要的英文翻译基本释义have the intention of doing sth. 分享单词到:英文翻译Make up one's mind to do sth 重点词汇下定决心───Make up your mind;做───do 双语使用场景Well,make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that

应该做某事翻译为be supposed to do sth.。示例:Who else was supposed to do it? Who else was supposed to do it? 做决定的英文短语做决定的英文短语做决定,需要你有个be/get used to doing sth 习惯了做某事I am used to getting up early. 我习惯了早期。2.make up one’s mind to do 打定主意做某事change one’s mind to do 改变主意

对某事采取虚心的态度,愿意听取[考虑]别人对某事的见解make sb.'s mind easy (=make sb. easy in his mind; set sb.'s mind at rest) 使某人放心[安心], 使某call for sb 去接某人一起去做某事call off 取消(计划,比赛) call out (call out+to sb.) 大声地叫call up sb(=call sb. up) 给……打电话;征召(入伍);使想起(往事) call in 请进


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