

advocate造句 2023-12-15 13:05 893 墨鱼


substitute造句1. I had to substitute for my colleague who was sick, and it was a challenging experience. 2. The restaurant had to substitute the fish dish with c4. There is nosubstitutefor practical experience. 实践经验是无法替代的。来自柯林斯例句5. You could alwayssubstitutea low-fat soft cheese. 你总是可以代之以低脂肪

?﹏? substitute 常考释义n.代用品;代替者变形词过去式substituted 过去分词substituted 第三人称单数substitutes 复数substitutes 现在分词substituting 雅思常考例句Angel says thasubstitute造句示例:Soya milk is used as a substitute for dairy milk.豆奶可用作牛奶的替代品。The centre's wo

1、He grumbled that 15 pesos would buy only a bun and a slice of ham and was nosubstitute for a hot meal.(他抱怨说15比索只能买一个面包和一片火腿,不能代替一顿热饭11.There's nosubstituteforparents. 父母亲是没有别人可以代替的。- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(11)差评() 12.substituteAforB 用A代-- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(1

≥ω≤ 类型英语造句1、He grumbled that 15 pesos would buy only a bun and a slice of ham and was nosubstitute for a hot meal.(他抱怨说15比索只能买一个面包和一片火腿,不能单词substitute 例句大全,用单词substitute造句:substitutefixed assets 替代固定资产He's asubstitutefor dad. 他成了爸爸的替代品。Substitutefor edible areca. 槟榔替

ˋ^ˊ 1、substitutecharacter 2、conjunctionsubstitute 3、importsubstituteand exportsubstitute 4、Substitute We oftensubstitutemargarine for butter. 5、SomIt's difficult to find the substitute in a sentence. 用the substitute造句挺难的相关词汇"the string quartet tribute"造句"the strokes"造句"the strongest la paz"


标签: overall造句



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