
compete for和compete with,compete语法

compete者 2023-11-25 17:57 774 墨鱼

compete for和compete with,compete语法

170 compete in,compete for和compete with ① compete in表示“参加……比赛,在……竞争”。Three pianists compete in the contest. 参加比赛的钢琴演奏者有三名。② com..petewith和against的区别competewith和against的区别意思不同、⽤法不同。compete with是和竞争,后加竞争对象。compete against是反对某⼈,与抗争,与竞争,

常用短语搭配有compete for为…竞争;compete with与竞争、与某人竞争;compete against和…竞争、与……竞争、与……抗衡。用法是用于表达竞争、对抗、比赛的意思。1co1. Compete with 一般with后面跟竞争者(与谁竞争) 例:We can compete with the best team. 我们能与最好的队伍竞争。2. Compete for 一般后面跟竞争的目的(为

,接with表示“对…抗争”。compete的常用短语用作动词(v.) compete against (v.+prep.) compete for (v.+prep.) compete with (v.+prep.) compete的用法例句1. They are ..pete with for 美英na.和(人们)争夺(奖赏) 英汉na. 1. 和(人们)争夺(奖赏)

区别是:compete with指的是和竞争。compete against指的是反对某人,与抗争,与竞争。例句辨析:compete with1、We ask for a level playing field when1pete with意为“与……竞争”,后面一般加竞争者,竞争者可以是单个的人,也可以是团队。例如:In order to compete with the best team, we should try our best to prepare


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