

on短语归纳大全 2023-12-14 21:35 784 墨鱼


关于on的词组合集on相关短语. act on 对…起作用[有功效];奉行,按照…而行动agree on 就达成协议决定,同意,赞成be based on 以为基础be hard on sb. 过于严厉对3、on foot 步行、在进行中I didn't catch the bus. I came here on foot. 我没赶上公交车,我是走过来的。4、on duty 值班、值日I asked to see the office

from time to time 有时,不时be different from 与……不同come from 出生于,来自from door to door 挨家挨户from now on 从现在起,今后from tip to toe常见的含有on的短语:agree on (通过协商)达到共识;call on 拜访;看望;come on 快点,加油,跟着来;on display 在展出;fix one’s eyes on 注视;hang on 稍等,别挂

3.打开(煤气、电灯、收音机等);相当于turn on。It's getting dark, you'd better put on the light.天快黑了,你最好开灯.Please put on the radio.请打开收音机。Don't put on the 1.动词+on a)动词+ on要认真区分下面一些词组act on对…有作用,bring on促使;导致,call on拜访某人,count on依赖,carry on执行,depend on on取决,feed

chance on v. 偶然发现act on对…起作用[有功效];奉行,按照…而行动agree on 就达成协议决定,同意,赞成be based on 以为基础be hard on sb. 过于严厉对待某人be 2. on time 准时,按时3. on foot 步行4. on vacation 度假5. on sale 销售,出售6. on TV 在电视里7. on display 展出,陈列8. on board 在船上9. on the Internet 在网上10


标签: on组合的单词



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