

none简单造句 2023-12-25 09:41 650 墨鱼


篇1:none的例句3. None of the cast can act at all -- they're butchering the play. 这班演员中没有一个人会演戏-他们把这个戏演得一团糟。4. I find it qu例句:- None of my friends can come to the party tonight.(我的朋友中没有一个能够参加今晚的派对。- She had none of the necessary qualifications for the job.(她没

(-__-)b none造句复制1、I offered to pay but he was havingnoneof it.(我提出付账,但他坚决不让我付。2、noneof us knew how to treat her.(我们中没有任何人知道该如何对待她常见例句用作代詞(pron.) Any principle is preferable to none.任何原則都比沒原則好。She has taken a lot of different medicines, but none has cured the disease.她

We have three sons butnoneof them lives/live nearby. 我们有三个儿子,但他们都不住在附近。牛津词典We saw several houses butnonewe really liked. 我们看了几所房子,none of: pron. 当中谁都不(当中没人)例句:1. Its none of your business.不关你事!2. How much money I earn is none of your concern.我挣多少钱与你无关。3

★none的例句★ ▼none的解释pron. 没有人,没有一人;没有一个;没有一部分,没有一点;adv. 根本不;无法,绝不;▼none的用法none 与no one / nobody 及nothing的用法区别no one have none of没有一点;不参与,不接受,不同意/none but仅仅,只有/none other(than)正是,就是单词解说缩写自no one. 精选例句高考四级六级考研1、None o


标签: none的四种用法



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