

双休日英文短语 2023-12-01 14:05 509 墨鱼


I'm hoping to go away for the weekend,but I'm not planning on it.我想外出度周末,但没定下来。Don't plan on my going with you,for I expect to be busy this weekend.不要以短语:The Lost Weekend 得到的周末; 掉去的周末扩展资料:重点词汇用法:weekend n(名词) weekend的意思是“周末”,指星期六、星期日两整天,有时也可包括从星期五下班以后一直到

沪江词库精选周末的英文怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息weekend 相似短语at the weekend 在周末on the weekend adv.周末a weekend 週末weekend retreat 周末聚会weekend warrior 2.not allow ;decide against; prevent不允许;反对;阻止The principal ruled out dances on week days.校长不允许在周末以外的时间跳舞。A sudden storm ruled out the boat race

关于在周末的相关英语短语1. at the end of the week 在周末2. Are you doing anything over the weekend ? 你在周末有什么安排吗?3. I'd like to clear up my work by th周末的英语说法 weekend Saturday-to-Monday 周末的相关短语 在周末on weekends ; on the weekend ; at weekends ; at the weekend 周末狂热Saturday Nigh

首页社区精选业务合作视频上传创作者服务新闻中心关于我们社会责任加入我们中文开车时必须要会的这五句英文短语,快开车时必须要会的这五句英文短语,快来看看你都会了吗?1. Weekend -周末这是最常见的周末短语,指周六和周日这两天。2. TGIF (Thank God it's Friday) -感谢上帝,周五到了这是一个非常流行的短语,表示人们对周五的期待和开心。

His weekends were given up to golfing and motoring.他的周末都用于打高尔夫球和驾驶汽车。Her Sundays were given up to the preparation of a lecture.她的星期日都用来备课。周末的英语是weekend。英[ˌwiːk'end] 美['wiːkend] n. 周末vi. 过周末adj. 周末的例句:What are your plans for the weekend? 翻译:你周末计划做什么


标签: weekend是指周六还是周日



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