
still less,much less

no less用法 2023-12-13 18:45 360 墨鱼
no less用法

still less,much less

或许still less 看起来还是比较奇特的,其实still 相当于much 或even,也就是much less 或even less,它们三个所表示的概念和意思都是一样的,相当于certainly not。它们后still less 的用法stillless是一个英语短语,通常用于否定句子中,表示比之前提到的情况甚至更不可能发生。例如:- 我们没有足够的时间去看电影,还不如去散步。We don't have

●﹏● still less did he think of doing harm to others for the sake of his own interest.───瓦西里公爵不去周密地考虑自己的计划,他更少地想到谋求私利和作出危害他人的事。1. He never thought of the test flight, still less did he conduct it.他从没想到这次试飞,更谈不上去做了。2.He repairs the machine ,still more does he set it to pieces.他会修理机器,那

still less 更不用说;更何况例句:No explanation was offered, still less an apology. 连个解释都不给,就更不用说道歉了。I fear one unicorn still less than two giant2. much less, still less, even less 用于否定句中。例句3:Tom did not want to speak, much less to sing.汤姆不想说话,更不用说唱歌了。例句4:I know little of English, sti

∩▽∩ still less 美英na.何况;更不用说网络更少;更何况;更别说同义词反义词adv. even less,much less,let alone 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 何况,更不2. 更不用说,何况3He knows little of mathematics , and still less of chemistry.他几乎不懂数学,更不用说化学了。与still (much) less类似的还有一个短语——still more。still more=much more,


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