
go to bed的反义词,think highly of的反义词

right的反义词 2023-12-26 10:23 625 墨鱼

go to bed的反义词,think highly of的反义词

go to bed英[ɡəu tu: bed]美[ɡo tu bɛd] go to bed 基本解释go to bed的反义词去睡觉;安歇go to bed 网络解释1. 睡觉:那就早点睡觉(gotobed)吧. 只有休息(relax)好了才能够学习(study)好是the other的复数形式。如:Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home. 两个男孩将去动物园,其余的留在家里。the others=the other 复

wake upget up 意为“起床”,其反义词组为go to bed“上床睡觉”。例:My younger sister usually gets up at six o'clock and goes to bed at ten o'clock. 我的妹妹

⊙△⊙ "go to sleep" 也表示去睡觉,与"go to bed" 意思相同。反义词"get up" 是"go to bed" 的反义词,表示从床上起来或从睡眠状态中醒来。英语单词大全请记住链接:https://dan【反义词】peace [pi:s] n. 和平(之前学过,让学生联想) We have hadtwo world warslast century. 上世纪我们已经经历了两次世界大战。outing n. (集体)出外

fair go公平对待,机会均等;公道的比赛from the word go 从一开始play the game of go 下围棋go to school上学go to bed上床(睡觉)go fishing 去钓鱼例句She'd just stay go to bed(反义词) 相关知识点:试题来源:解析get up 结果一题目go to bed(反义词) 答案答案:get up翻译:go to bed:睡觉解析:go to bed是睡觉,反义词肯定是起床了,起床


标签: think highly of的反义词



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