

哈利波特读后感英文100加中文翻译 2023-12-17 14:37 252 墨鱼


我个人不喜欢这样,读英文原版本来目的就是提高英文水平,从单词词义到用法,从语法到语感。如果只是读懂大概意思,而忽略了单词的累积,有点浪费,毕竟有些单词,尤其是动词,会从头到尾一哈利波特读后感英文100字1. 哈利波特英文读后感My favourite bookDo you know Harry Potter? It's one of my favourite sparetime readings and it's written by J. K. Ro

A man named Harry Potter child, not an ordinary child, born with a bad guy fight with Voldemort symbol, a shaped like a lightning scar. It is a death curse of the remaOnly together can overcome any difficulty. Also admired Harry, Voldemort in front in the face of terrible fear of not the slightest, even if the parents

哈利波特观后感英文100字如下:I admire the most is Harry Potter and his partners, and the difficulties they f结论是:孙子兵法更胜一筹孙子兵法都知道,教打仗用兵的,感觉上好像和我们平常人没什么关系,但其实不

●^● 对Native speaker来讲,小学生就能读Harry Potter了,可实际上中国的小学生,读《白鹿原》也是读得完的,可体验完全不一样。如果对Harry Potter本身不感兴趣,可以直接从第四本开始读。 要我写的话写的贼快,什么都能写出来,哈利波特好多名言,都可以写哈迷的好处马尔福牌的YG🍏 : 有一次老师让看英文的电影,身做哈迷的我选择了哈利波特,但别同学就说要看疯狂动物城

The harry potter series will conclude with the 3-D release of the second half of “deathly hallows”on July 15. 《哈利波特》的读后感英语作文篇7 H哈利波特读后感英文范文通用7 篇1 Harry Potter J——who is a famous writer in the world, is famous with the novel--Harry is a series novel that attracts numbers


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