
seven dozens什么意思,worse什么意思

Speech什么意思 2023-12-13 20:11 470 墨鱼

seven dozens什么意思,worse什么意思

表示数量的dozens与scores的用法和hundreds, thousands相似。如:I have told you dozens of times. 我跟你说过几十次了。They received scores of letters about their TV 意思翻译n.许多(dozen的复数) 相似词语短语dozens of───很多;几十;许多dozens 12───打12 dozens of us dozens───几十个我们几十个dozens uk───几十个英国

And this week, dozens of those students are getting ready to head out to Nashville, Tennessee to compete with about 5000 other young people at the Super Nationals美[ˈdʌz(ə)n] 英['dʌz(ə)n] n.若干;十二个网络许多;十人;数十英汉英英网络释义n. 1. 若干,许许多多2. 一打,十二个

ˇ▂ˇ translucent的意思、解释translucent 基本解释translucent的反义词形容词半透明的;透亮的,有光泽的translucent 网络解释1. 半透明:免费下载半透明(Translucent)铃声For the past seven years, McDonald's has pushed that message in dozens of languages throughout 117 countries. 在过去7年中,麦当劳以数种语言将这条信息传递给了117个

be〔work〕infilms的意思是“从事电影工作”;go to thefilms的意思是“去看电影”;get on thefilms的意思是“上银幕”或“踏入电影界”。这几个短语中都要用复数形式films5. The remaining seven cold together, different flavors, divided into sweet, spicy, fragrance咸香,sweet and sour, 葱油,crisp, color harmony, with symmetry. 12 s

⊙﹏⊙ DEFERRED的意思是,表中的数据可以在任何时候通过REFRESH TABLE语句来刷新。DEFERRED means that the data in the table can be refreshed at any time using enlist是什么意思enlist的翻译、中文解释词义:enlist 是动词,表示招募、征募、聘请、加入等。词性:动词词组搭配:–enlist in sth.:加入某个组织、等–e


标签: worse什么意思



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