

用have fun造句子 2023-11-27 19:52 604 墨鱼
用have fun造句子


≥^≤ ——谚语经典的关于春天的英语句子Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the musicof the ripples.有看不见的手,如懒懒的轻1.灵活改变句子开头在通常情况下,英语句子的排列方式为“主语+谓语+宾语”,即主语位于句子开头。但若根据情况适当改变句子的开头方式,比如使用倒状语或以状语开头等,会使文章增强

1、Fun events only occurfor funpeople. 2、Make timefor fun. 3、We're playingfor fun. 4、He exercises mainlyfor fun. 5、Speaking of fun, what have yofun 造句简单1. Life is more fun when you are surrounded by friends. 2. It's always fun to learn something new. 3. Going on a fun adventure can be a great way to

有好多考生在这里犯迷糊。咱们举个简单的例子。就比如说熊猫是珍稀保护动物,大部分熊猫都生活在大熊猫基地那么说熊猫数量稀少、受到保护是T 所有熊猫都生活在大熊猫基地是F 70%先让学生听录音,跟读句子,明确本课的重点句式,然后让他们灵活运用句式:There is/are……There was/were……造句。练习检测:拓展延伸让学生准备,谈论图中内

先看一个句子:If we are given more time,we will do it well.(简单的条件状语从句) 由于从句和主句的主语相同,所以我们可以省略从句的主语,那么从句的谓语动词就变成非谓语动词,就1、It'sfun- we've hadfun. 2、This game looksfun! 3、Havefun. Goodbye. 4、Is the gamefun? 5、Caps are alwaysfun. 6、Likefun? Pick me! 7、I like a ver

用fun造句:1、I'm all for people having fun. 我完全赞成人们尽情享乐。2、There is little reason to think the fun will stop. 我们基本没什么理由认为,这种1. " Oh, let's have fun,'she begged him. " It's too hot to fuss. "“哦,咱们高高兴兴地玩吧,”她央求他,“天太热了,别闹吧. ”2. You will have fun rea


标签: match造句



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