

国庆节小短句英文版 2023-11-29 15:21 823 墨鱼


4、National Day is a legal holiday made by a country to commemorate the country.hey are usually the of the country, the signing constitution, the birth the hea state 国庆节假期英语作文带翻译篇1 National Day is the birthday of our party. It’s on the first day of October. It is my happy day, because I don’t need to go to school an

≥^≤ 也有的叫“共和日”、“共和国日”、“革命日”、“解放日”、“国家复兴节”、“宪法日”等,还有直接以国名加上“日”的,如“澳大利亚日”、“巴基斯坦日”,有的则以国王的生日或2、国庆欢,国庆安,国庆心情乐翻天。Happy National Day, happy National Day, happy National Day mood. 3、十月的歌声,嘹亮而悠扬。国庆节介绍10句英语短文

3.关于国庆节的六句英语诗歌1、《迎国庆》作者:木公没有鞭炮震天鼓乐齐鸣,There is no firecracker, and there is no sound.没有载歌载舞挥毫抒情,No songs and dances, no sorr#国庆节10句英语短文# 相关贴推荐最热最新0 国庆节英文例句国庆节英文例句:1.Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National Day. 国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯2.National Da

国庆节英语作文篇1 It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and we国庆节英语作文一:In National Days,I went to the beach with my parents.The sun was so shining and the sea was so beautiful.I was so excited that I ran into the sea as s


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