

找到用英语造句 2023-12-05 09:56 916 墨鱼


find造句复制1、God knows what else they mightfind.(谁知道他们还可能找到什么。2、Maybe one day you'llfindtrue love.(也许有一天你会找到真爱。3、Some managersf单词find 例句大全,用单词find造句:I need tofindAbbot Larkin. 我需要找到阿伯特。拉金。It's hard tofindable persons. 良材难得。We haven't been able tofindhim. 我

1、Can you find my bag for me?你能帮我找我的包吗?2、Can you find me my bag?你能帮我找我的包吗?3、scientis1、Ask andfind out. 2、Let'sfind outanyhow. 3、Play andfind out! 4、It's time tofind out! 5、Teachers sometimes canfind out. 6、I'llfind outher sec

find造句1、You’llfindsolitude. 2、Let'sfindout anyhow. 3、Did youfindanything? 4、Wefindit distasteful. 5、Play andfindout! 6、Ifindmy song, when 用find造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析I find it interesting to read novel.我发现看小说很有趣. I'll find out the answers to the questions.我会查找出问题的答案. I h

Rivers find their way to the sea.江河流入大海。4. (设法)得到I hope you will find time to come see me some afternoon.我希望哪天下午你会有时间来看我。5find造句1、Can you find my bag for me?你能帮我找我的包吗?2、Can you find me my bag?你能帮我找我的包吗?3、scientists trying to find a cure for cancer.努力寻找癌


标签: 用lookfor造句简单



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