
拿来用take,take over用法

take place怎么用 2023-12-17 22:18 696 墨鱼
take place怎么用

拿来用take,take over用法

从上边例子你可以发现,take比较强调的是将人或物从现在的位置,带到另外一处。而Bring 则主要是从别处移动到另外一处或是说话者本人身边。3.Fetch (去)拿来,取take the check today. Cough up. 今天轮到你买单了。拿钱来。红包拿来用英语怎么说?give me the red envelope红包拿来get/receive the red envelope收红包;拿红包拜年的时候,小

to take someone or something to the place where you are now 带来;拿来We’ve brought someone to see you! 我们带了个人来看你!Will you bring your photos with you when ytake, bring 与fetch:英文中拿三个词.即拿来.拿去.去取然后回来.所以拿来.带来是bring.拿去带走是take.而去取回来是fetch.

bring 指从说话人所在的地方拿来,一般与here 连用。take 指从说话人所在或将在的地方拿走`带走,它所表示的方向与bring 相反,一般与there 连用。bring 和take 的区别一4. break (n) 休息Its time to take a break. break(v) 打破Its really bad to break the valuable china vase. 终止She broke the silence by coughing. 已

bring 是拿来take是带走fetch 是去取过来,相当于go and get 如:There aren't enough chairs . Please fetch two more from the next room .祝学习进步,take bring用法辨析bring/take 1.bring“拿来、带来”,强调从说话人处带到听话人处,或者从听话人处带到说话人处。例句:1) The teacher asks the students to bring their d


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