
so heavy翻译成中文,too high翻译

so much的翻译 2023-12-11 17:23 990 墨鱼
so much的翻译

so heavy翻译成中文,too high翻译

so heavy发音意思翻译很重相似词语短语to heave───扬起to sheave───至滑轮top-heavy───投资过多的,上层机构臃肿的;头重脚轻的;不稳定的Donleavy───唐利维如:英语中after rain comes the sunshine 翻译成中文为“苦尽甘来”,等于sweet comes after bitterness;在英国是难得有好天气的,fair-weather可以用来比喻“风

so heavy中文翻译so heavy -翻译:太重了英[səʊˈhevi] 美[soʊˈhevi] 网络太重;好重啊;[例句]It was so heavy that I couldn't breathe. 它太重了,我喘不过气来了。HEAVY是重的,沉重的,也可表示下雨下得很大!——lzy星云so adv. 这么,那么;就那样,像这样;多么,非常;如此heavy adj. 重的,沉重的,巨大的adv. 沉重地;大量地;笨

后置定语,翻译成中文时要前置3.The plates and the main dish should be placed at the end nearest the entrance so as to make it easier for the best flow of traffic.盘子和如此重如此大那么大那么重具体翻译要看前后文和句子本身第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!


˙﹏˙ 1四、将下列句子翻译成中文。1.Is everything in your schoolbag?2.My schoolbag is so heavy.3.Put away your books.4.Take out your books,please. 2四、将下列句子翻译成What a heavy yearning it was--so heavy . 多么强烈的愿望啊--太强烈了。Kennicott's dominance was heavy upon her . 肯尼科特对她控制的很紧。They gover


标签: too high翻译



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