
get along造句,instead of 造句

get along 翻译 2023-12-22 13:22 842 墨鱼
get along 翻译

get along造句,instead of 造句

get along造句复制1、This fellow is hard toget alongwith.(这个人不好处。2、I have heard him tell people that weget alongsplendidly.(我听见他跟人说我们相处得非get along with造句简单1. Despite their differences, John and Mary always manage to get along with each other. 2. It's important to get along with your coworkers

2、They will find it difficult togetalongwithothers.他们会发现很难和别人相处。3、He could notgetalongwithanybody.他跟谁都合不来。4、Perhaps it was because he's “nice to”和“play nice with”跟“get along with”意思差不多留意:2. in-laws: 公公婆婆3. are not nice to/do not get along with/do not play nice with: 相处不和睦B. (能

>^< 1、We allget along. 2、We'llget alonggreat. 3、Theyget alongby going along. 4、I guess theyget along." 5、How can weget along? 6、Toget alongwell t单词get along 例句大全,用单词get along造句:Try toget along. 要好好地相爱。You twoget along? 你们处得怎么样?Get alongwith you! 我才不信呢we couldget along. 就

29、Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money.许多人与人走近是因为他们拥有很多的金钱。30、Alice seems to get along with everyone very well.艾1. We get along just fine together. 我们相处得很融洽。《牛津词典》2. It's impossible to get along with him. 不可能跟他和睦相处。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》3. I j

(3) get along with like a house on fire:剑桥词典的解释是—If two people get on like a 33、Along the way, the steward took good care of us. Teachers often say that students shouldget alongwell with each other and not be tit-for-tat. 34


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