
be worthy to be done例句,用be done造句

being done的用法 2023-12-13 10:57 219 墨鱼
being done的用法

be worthy to be done例句,用be done造句

be worthy to be done 某事值得被做The question is not worthy to be discussed againand again. 3. worth-while: be worth-while to do sth 值得做某事worth while: It is worth while doi答案C. 由worth的用法可知,此句只适合词组be worth-while to do sth.。因此选C. . worth-while: be worth-while to do sth "值得做某事" 篇四be worthy to b

+ω+ 题目内容: 用这两个英语短语造句~1、be worthy of being done2、be worthy to be done 优质解答The book is worth reading.The book is worthy of being reaIt is worthy to note that smokers have a higher risk of developing lung cancer. 值得注意的是,吸烟者患肺癌的几率更高。3. be worthy to be done 值得做;值得做某事;某事

1、be worthy of being done2、be worthy to be done 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报The book is worth reading.Thebe worthy to be done “某事值得被做”the question is not worthy to be discussed againand again. 3. worth-while: be worth-while to do sth “值得做某事”worth while: it

be worthy to be done "某事值得被做" 例句:The question is not worthy to be discussed again and again. 3.worth-while: be worth-while to do sth "值得做某事" worthwhile: It【例句】①You are foolish to waste so much money on amusement.你在娱乐上浪费那么多钱,太傻了。②He wasted his time (in) doing nothing.他无所事事,浪

⊙﹏⊙‖∣° 如:The book is worthy of being read. If something is worthy to be done, it's worth to be done well. 另外,还有一个字叫做worthwhile,也是形容词,它可以网络某事值得被做;值得做;值得做某事网络释义1. 某事值得被做英语(has 是助动词。be worthy to be done"某事值得被做" 3. worth-while: be worth-


标签: 用be done造句



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