
at peach with中文,peach隐晦含义

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at peach with中文,peach隐晦含义

1. He is apeachto work with. 他是易于共事的人。2. What apeachof a room! 多漂亮的房间啊!3. What apeachof a study! 多好的一间书房!peach 网络解释peach的反义词13. She had tied back her hair with a peach satin ribbon. 她用一根桃色缎带把头发扎在脑后。4. The monkey made a long arm for the peach. 猴子伸臂去摘

?ω? (f) into a grove of blossoming peach trees all at once. For several hundred steps along the bank side, 中无杂树,(a) There were no other trees mixed within. (b) The peacThis is a journey with ancient culture. In this March, peach blossoms are waiting for you at Yongle. 孩童嬉戏间唤起风铃叮当作响,小贩叫卖冰糖葫芦的吆

美英n.【食,植】水蜜桃英汉网络释义n. 1. 【食,植】水蜜桃也可以说是to mix apples and/with oranges,或者是说something is apples and oranges都是一个意思,“两件事完全不同,把它们互相比较是不明智的”。

ˇ△ˇ Peach: (Informal)A particularly admirable or pleasing person or thing. 【非正式用语】受人欢迎的人(或物) 极受尊敬或欢迎的人或事物此外,原译文不太妥,It is the Amber mineral Kingdom along with all other minerals that hold the peach tones of creation at this time of global ascension that speak to you today. 今天

You are a peach 也就是you are very nice ,我们应该翻译为你这人真好。例句:You are a real peach, all of us are happy to cooperate with you. 你真是个好人,和你合作我们很其英式读音为:peə(r)],美式读音为:per]。pear可作名词,其中文意思是:梨;梨子;梨树等,复数形式为pears,中文意思同为:梨;梨树等。一、pear 读音英式读音:peə(r)] 美式读音:pe


标签: peach隐晦含义



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