
show initiative,initiative的固定搭配

initiative用法固定搭配 2023-12-12 18:22 626 墨鱼

show initiative,initiative的固定搭配

(1)show initiative 表现出积极性(2)a lack of initiative 缺乏积极性我们接着来看两个常用的搭配:(1)on one's initiative 例:He developed the plan on his own initiative. 他(1)show initiative 表现出积极性(2)a lack of initiative 缺乏积极性我们接着来看两个常用的搭配:(1)on one's initiative 例:He developed the plan on his own initiative. 他

英[ɪ'nɪʃətɪv] n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权adj.起始的网络首创精神;创始的;进取心复数:initiatives 搭配同义词v.+n. take initiative,seize initiative,show init8. show initiative 显示主动性9. great initiative 非常主动;很主动10. exercise initiative 锻炼计划11. voter initiative 选民倡议;选民提案;民意测验12. demonstrate initia

>▂< initiative的用法initiative n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权adj.起始的复数:initiatives v.+n.take initiative,seize initiative,show initiative,exercise initiative,demo4. show initiative显示主动性When Joseph began the job, he showed initiative.约瑟夫开始工作时,表现出了主动性。来源于《纯正英式短语&英式句型1000条》英语#雅思#口语#

show initiative发音意思翻译显示主动性相似词语短语initiative───n.主动权;积极性;首创精神;新方案;倡议;adj.初步的,基础的blocking initiative───封锁行动s3.词组:show initiative 释义:显出工作主动性例句:When Peter beganthe job, he showed initiative. 4.词组:do something of one’s own accord 释义:主动做

e.g. Students that show initiative quickly become important team members in work. This also gives them an edge over their peers leading to future success. 注:give sb. a1. 显示主动性雅思Na be in a self-made man/woman 白手起家的人show initiative显示主动性do sth of one's own accord 主动去做某事bulo.hujiang|基于1


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