
both of加,of后面加什么

both前面加什么 2023-11-21 20:45 772 墨鱼

both of加,of后面加什么

both of 后跟单数还是复数复数。both后可直接跟名词,如果名词前有限定词修饰的话,就必须用both of。Bothof加代词或名词复数。Both可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词。1Both的使(2)both直接修饰名词时,不加of。如:①Both children won prizes. 两个孩子都得了奖。【注意】不能说both of children,但可以说both of the children. ②I'v

both of后跟名词/代词复数,可作主语,宾语;作主语时谓语动词用复数。both造句1、But both require land. 2、We are both stubborn. 3、Both made of pine; both one inch th1 both 与名词代词连用1) both of + the / 物主代词/ 指示代词both of the cats are asleep. I bought both of these bottles in China two years ago. 2) both 直接修饰名词时,

∩▽∩ 1、both of 后跟复数,both后可直接跟名词,如果名词前有限定词修饰的话,就必须用both of。Bothof加代词或名词复数。Both可以单独使用,直接跟名词,或者动词。both有三种词性:bothofthem后面加什么,bothof很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、1)首先,all是指三个或三个以上,而both是指两个;2、bothof两者都3、Bothofthemarestudents.他

˙0˙ 首先,因为of是介词,both of 后面只能加名词(名词/代词/动名词),both of的意思是“都”,比如Botboth of 后跟复数。both of读音为[boʊθ əv],意思是两者都,两个,两个都,both后可直接跟名词,如果名

both of后跟复数。例如:Both of the leaders are right(两位领导人都是对的);Both of the students go to school on foot(两个学生都步行上学)。扩展资料both both of 后接名词或者代词,但是名词前必须有限定词the 等,谓语动词用复数。例如:We were both of the same nationality. 扩展资料She had localized breast ca


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