

但是造句 2023-12-05 19:53 522 墨鱼


8、Let's do itone by one.(让我们一个一个地完成。9、Once we help each other, we can solve these problemsone by one.(一旦我们互相帮助,我们就能一个一个地解决这些问一个接一个的英文onebyone。onebyone的用法示例如下:1.Theywerepersuadedlittlebylittleandleftonebyone.他们渐渐被说服了,一个接一个地离开。2.Onebyone,thep

╯^╰ one by one 读音汉语翻译一个接一个英语解释:副词one by one: in single file 同义词:one after another, one at a time one piece at a time 同义词:by the piece apart We entered the cinema one by one. 我们一个一个地走进电影院。Please say it one by one. 请一个一个地说。Please read the sentence one by one. 请一个接一个地读这句话

1. 一个一个86.stayinbedforanothertwodays再跟床上呆两天| 87.onebyone一个一个| 88.aboutschoollifeinEngland关于英国学校生活2. 一个接着一个12.Becareful一个接着一个幼儿园大班英语教案:教师在园100句12.Becareful. 小心。13.Onebyone.一个接着一个。14.Beslowly,takeeasy. 慢点…baby.china-b|基于1 个网页

>﹏< Flipping the pagesone by one, he read through the article quite quickly. 他掀着纸张,很快地读着。英文例句大全为您提供one by one英文例句大全,one by one英文造句,关1、Let's listenone by one. 2、High-rise buildings were everywhere, and at night, lights came onone by one,one by one,one by one. 3、Hands were raise

one by one 美英na.一个一个;一个一个地网络各个;挨个;一个接一个英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 一个一个,挨次2. 一个一个地例句2、get one over (on) sb./sth. 占上风,胜过,占优势I'm not going to let them get one over on me! 我决不让他们胜过我!He admits there has been a fair bit of banter in the p


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