

providing that 和provided that 2023-12-06 10:51 967 墨鱼
providing that 和provided that


∪▂∪ providing的用法和樣例:例句用作連詞(conj.) I shall go providing that it does not rain. 假如不下雨我就去。Providing there is no opposition, we shproviding连词用法Providing是一个连词,意为“假如、只要、提供了”。它常用于复合句中,连接一个条件和一个结果。例如:“Providing that you finish your work on time, you

conj.假如,假若,倘若,以…为条件I shall go providing (that) it doesn't rain.假如不下雨我就去。相关短语I don't know whether it will rain or not 我不知道是不是将会下雨as soon as conj假若,假使:在…条件下;假如In the past some critics have maintained thatprovided is preferable to providing as a conjunction meaning .on condition that.. The use of

⊙﹏⊙ providing 英[prəˈvaɪdɪŋ] 美[prəˈvaɪdɪŋ] conj.假如;若是;假设常用牛津中考高考四级六级考研影视原声常用短语搭配1. providing that 假如双语例句1. Many agencies连词如果;假如;在…条件下;倘若动词提供,供给,供应( provide的现在分词);规定;提供[(+for)];装备providing 词典例句连词I shall go providing (that) it doesn't rain

conj. 如果;假如;在…条件下;倘若v. 提供,供给,供应( provide的现在分词);规定;提供[(+for)];装备记忆法添加记忆法真题例句1.With modern medical scienceprovidingimmunproviding 英[prəˈvaɪdɪŋ]美[prəˈvaɪdɪŋ] 核心词义conj.假如;倘若v.提供,给予;为(可能事件)做充分准备;抚养,赡养(provide 的现在分词) 精选例句高考1、More an


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