

非谓语句型结构 2023-12-11 10:07 584 墨鱼


非谓语例句备考扫盲搜课文化搜课文化| 发布2021-11-18 1、He appears to have caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。2、Her job is to clean the hall. 她的工作是打扫大厅。3、I hav最好可以举例说明扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报非谓语动词有三种:动词不定式(to do)、动词的ing形式(动名词)、动

To see is to believe.(眼见为实)中有两个动词不定式to see和to believe,分别作主语和表语Barking dogs seldom bite.barking这里是非谓语动词,做定语,修饰dog I非谓语动词从句20个例子1. To do some exercise every day. 2.It's nice of you to help me with my maths. 3.It takes me half an hour to walk to school evey day. 4.doing sports is helpful

⊙▂⊙ 一般来说,句子只有一个名词或代词是主语的话,就是主语,例如:The book is said to have been translated into English. 谓语是is said,非谓语是to have been t非谓语例句如下:1、He appears to have caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。2、Her job is to clean the hall. 她的工作

非谓语动词(例题1) 1. Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could ___ a good college. A. enter B. to enter C. entering D. entered 非谓语动词经典句子1.Ford found a way to mass-produce the motor car cheaply,making it possible for many more people to own one. 福特想了个办法便宜地大批量生产汽车


标签: 非谓语动词的用法及例句



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