
用uphold造句超短句,end up 造句简单

及造句 2023-11-29 16:10 856 墨鱼

用uphold造句超短句,end up 造句简单

Uphold your book so everybody can see it. 把你的书举起来让每个人都看得见。I cannot uphold such conduct. 我不能赞成这种行为。Policemen and judges uphold the majeuphold 支持,维护upset 颠倒,混乱urge 催促,力劝value 估价,评价;重视vanish 逐渐消散,消灭vanquish 征服,击败vary 改变,变化veil 戴面纱,隐藏venture 冒险,投机verify

We will continue toupholdand pursue those basic entitlements of all people. 我们将继续维护和谋求全体人民的这些基本权利。If Mike doesn'tupholdhis end of the agree与单词:uphold 相关的例句或者名人名言Eight columns uphold the big dome. 八根柱子支撑着这个大圆顶。Four large columns upheld the building's heavy roof. 四根大

?▂? 1、He proffered touphold justice. 2、You have to thumb up her courage touphold justice. 3、That is, upright and bright, impartial and selfless, upri25、Faith is no land boundaries and language, anyone whoupholdthe truth, is the brothers and friends. 26、We shouldupholdthe principle of "common bu

uphold造句复制1、Fourth, we shouldupholdour common interests in the multilateral field.(第四,在多边领域维护共同利益。2、Theyupholdthe presidents' authority.(权威造句1. I think marriage is used toupholdpatriarchal control. 我觉得婚姻是用来维系父权统治的。来自柯林斯例句2. We have a duty toupholdthe law. 维护法律是我


标签: end up 造句简单



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