

grumble造句 2023-11-25 12:16 108 墨鱼


24、Go to the end of This block, turn right, and walk sixblocks. Then turn left for threeblocks. 25、Classes are the basic buildingblocksof an OWL o然后我们再用block来造句,比如We have a buyer who would like to view the property。翻译一下:我们有一买主想看看这房产。你可以尝试一下自己造句子哦。04 举例子:当block作为

1、Isblock3 next toblock2? 2、presbyopic glassblock 3、blocksignal interlocking 4、choppingblock(board) 5、porousblocktype arrester 6、reduced harmo在美国,block是指四面是马路的一块街区,或街区之间的距离;在澳大利亚则指闹市或繁华的大马路。block的用法2:block用作单位词,其前可加some等修饰。block修饰不可数名词时,

block造句1. The construction workers used large blocks of concrete to build the foundation of the new building. 2. The writer experienced writer's block and strublock造句复制1、I cannot do maths. I've got a mentalblockabout it.(我做不了数学。我一做就大脑一片空白。2、For years the country has tried toblockimports of va

It's difficult to find block block in a sentence. 用block block造句挺难的相关词汇"block begin"造句"block beginning"造句"block below the waist"造句"block bill"例句:She chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.她一斧头把木块劈成两半。The heating system in this block doesn't work well.这个街区的供暖系


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