
key words造句简单,words翻译成中文是什么意思

use造句 2024-01-08 23:47 561 墨鱼

key words造句简单,words翻译成中文是什么意思

key words关键字英[[]] 美[[]] 关键词双语例句1. They can even add key words of interest, such as "water", "violence" or "UN". 他们甚至可以添加感兴趣的关键字,比As long as you know some key words of the related books, the program will search for all the related books for you. 只要知道书名的几个关键字,等距离会帮你找到所有

keyword造句1、Is akeywordmessage. 2、2.6.3 The statickeyword 3、keywordout of context 4、keywordand context index 5、Thekeyword: %1 already existskey words sorting 分类标记in words 口头上with these words 说完这些话之后winged words n. 中肯的话have angry words with 与…争吵have words with 和某人吵架words and figures

1、Thekey wordwas "quality", Wolfowitz heard.(沃尔福威茨听到关键词是“质量”。2、Thekey wordwas' they '. Madrid.(关键在于是“他们”,皇家马德里。3、Thekey wordin otherwords挖adv. 换句话说副词:1. otherwise stated; 例子"in otherwords, we are broke" keyout挖切断,断开masterkey挖n. 万能钥匙名词:1.keythat secures en

Understanding cultures through their key words : Textual Patterns: Key words and corpus analysis in language education - By Mike Scott and Christopher Tribble Und关键词,key words 1)key words关键词1.Problems in writing abstracts and key words of scientific papers;编写科技论文摘要和关键词应注意的问题2.An analysis of indexe

key words造句如下:1.And it also allows us to look for certain key words and themes.它也允许我们查找特定的关第一步:抓关键(key words) 这则材料里面,我们可以找出两个关键点:一,这是一棵有毒的树;二,四种人对这棵树持有了不同的态度。其中,这四种人里面第四种人最重要,因为他把一棵有毒的


标签: words翻译成中文是什么意思



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