
take pleasure in用法,throw away

advocate 2023-11-17 00:04 576 墨鱼

take pleasure in用法,throw away

take pleasure in基本解释以…为乐,喜欢做…网络释义1. 乐于2. 玩赏take pleasure in的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Greedysimple minded swinetake pleasure in 美英na.高兴地;以…为乐;欣然同义词反义词v. delight in,enjoy,be taken with,love,adore 英汉na. 1. 高兴地;以为乐;欣然例句释义:全部,高兴地

①作不可数名词,表示“愉快,快乐;满足”,常见搭配有with pleasure高兴,乐意;for pleasure为了取乐;take pleasure in (doing sth.)等。例如:to read for pleasure 读书以自娱He t过去式:took pleasure in 过去分词:took pleasure in 网络释义1.乐于e book] transactionbetween us, we take

take pleasure in sth[习惯用语] 乐在其中也可见:take动—取动· 拿动· 作出动· 考虑动· 摘动· 撷取动· 摘取动· 搭乘(交通工具)动· 拿掉动· 占用(时间)必应词典,为您提供take-pleasure-in-doing-sth的释义,用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。

10.take pleasure in在……很快乐例句:I take pleasure in learning foreign language. 我学外语感到很快乐。11.be interested in/ take interest in对……感兴趣例句:I hope ytake a pleasure in以…为乐,喜欢…for pleasureadv.为了取乐at pleasure听便,随…的意with pleasureadv.愉快地,愿意spoil the pleasure of使…感到扫兴have the pleasu


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