

用feel造句简单 2023-11-25 11:52 216 墨鱼


I feel happy when I am spending time with my family.当我和家人在一起的时候,我感到很快乐。我今天感到非常开心(I feel very happy today)。——莎士比亚Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. ——Doug Larson 所谓春天,就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴,仍然想吹口哨。—

用feel造句一、feel的应用1、I feel stressed out. 我感到有压力。2、I don't feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。3、I feel so tired. 我感到很累。4、I feel down today六、造句。10%) 1.茂盛── 2.越……越……── 七、选词填空。5%) 发明发生发现1.司马光砸缸救人的事()在很早以前。2.鲁班()小草叶子边上有小齿。3.瓦

∩0∩ 19、Love make us feel happy. 20、I feel, I feel, I feel like a mor-ning star. 21、I feel that if I feel lost, I feel as if I have forgotten somethin——莎士比亚Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. ——Doug Larson 所谓春天,就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴,仍然想吹口哨。—

I'm nothappywith his work this term. 我对他这学期的表现不满意。Every time I hear that song I feelhappy. 我每次听到那首歌都感到很愉快。I'm quitehap用单词feel造句:1. She could feel herself blushing.她可以感到脸都红了。2. I feel quite exhausted.我感到筋疲


标签: father



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