

all的例句 2023-11-26 11:58 566 墨鱼


either的例句有哪些1. She had met both sons and did not care for either. 两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。2. He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them2either的例句有哪些1. She had met both sons and did not care for either. 两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。2. He seems either to fear women or to sent

either的用法例句:1. She had met both sons and did not care for either. 两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。2. He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them.单词either 例句大全,用单词either造句:It'seithera 727 or a 745. 波音727或是747 Able to use a mouse witheitherhand. 左右手都可以使用鼠标。A man iseithera god or a

either 的例句有哪些1. She had met both sons and did not care for either. 两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。2. He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize th一、either 用作代词时,意为“两者中的任何一个”,在句中可作主语和宾语。either 在句中用作主语时,谓语动词应为单数形式。例如:Either of them can do the

either例句分享Don't agree, but don't argue either. 别同意,但是也别争辩。Either she goes or I go. 要么她走,要么我走。She had met both sons and dideither 在句中用作主语时,谓语动词应为单数形式。例如:Either of them can do the work. 他们两人中谁都能做这工作。扩展资料either 用作形容词时,意为“两者

1、用法(1)either…or…用于肯定句,表示两者之中“…或…”,选其中之一,either or连接名词、代词作主语1. either在不同例句中的不同用法首先,either放在一个句子的末尾,表示“也”,它和too具有同样的使用方式,但是too用在肯定句中,而either用于否定句或者疑问句


标签: either造句



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