

电子邮件英语例句 2023-11-26 12:18 212 墨鱼


1、Consolidateemailaccounts. 2、What's youremailaddress ? 3、Reduceemailinterruption. 4、I'llemailher the documents. 5、Here is ouremailaddress. 6、双语例句全部电子邮件1. to send a message by email 以电邮发送信息来自牛津词典2. Patrick emailed me yesterday. 帕特里克昨天给我发电邮了。来自牛津词典3. I'll

>▽< 英英网络释义email 显示所有例句n. 1. [u] 电子邮件(通信方式)a way of sending messages and data to other people by means of computers connected together in a netw5. Thank you for your email. 谢谢你的来信6. Thanks for your reply. 谢谢你的回覆7. Thank you for sending me…谢谢你寄给我8. Your prompt response will be most appreciated.很感激

1、Each student has been given his or her ownEmailaddress.(每个学生都得到一个自己的电子邮件地址。2、It's easier to reach her by telephone than by mail orEmail.(8. Please email the documents to me. 请把那些文件以电子邮件形式发给我. 9. You can send me an email. 你可以给我发一份电子邮件. 10. So you didn't send that email on black

1.Im too busy to send an email to you. 我太忙而无法给你发电子邮件。2.Please feel free to email me at any time. 不管什么时候都可以给我发电子邮件。3.S在职场上常常要用到Email 沟通,如何写出一封得体的Email却令人非常头痛,一封合格的英文Email就更难了。其实要写出一封易读易懂的Email最重要是将句子“K-I-S-


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