
stick on,convenient

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stick on,convenient

stick on 美英na.贴在…上;船)搁浅网络粘在……上;贴上;粘上第三人称单数:sticks on现在分词:sticking on过去式:stuck on 英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 贴在上;船)搁stick on 读音汉语翻译保持在之上,贴上英语解释:动词stick on: apply a heavy coat to 同义词:plaster, plaster over attach to 同义词:affix 形容词stick on: of s

˙^˙ 单词本…stick on 重复播放v. 保持在之上,贴上英文解释动词:1. apply a heavy coat to+ 看、听、说"Shall westickby each other as long as we live?" 我们会在我A guard raps hisstick ona metal hand rail. 一名守卫用警棍敲打金属扶手。柯林斯例句I put the lid on the pot, but the water is boiling so fiercely that it won'tsti

be on the stickv. 警觉stick tov. 1.粘在…上,附着于2.坚持,遵守stick with1.紧跟,不离开(某人,以便得到帮助) 2.持续,坚持相似单词stickn. 1. 棍,棒,刺2. 枯枝,茎,条一、意思不同1.stick on意思:把(某物)粘贴在…上,保持在(…)上面。2.stick to意思:紧随,紧跟,呆在…近旁,坚持不变,遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定、原

stick on:保持在…之上;贴上网络释义1. 坚持 stickout伸出,突出;坚持到底,继续stickto坚持;忠于;信守summonup鼓起(勇气),奋起;唤起基于420个网页- 相关网页Can stick on the hips, abdomen, arm and shoulder the outside the four parts of any one, but can't stick in the chest. 可以贴在臀部、腹部、手臂外侧和肩膀外侧这四个


标签: convenient



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