

and的句子 2023-12-07 10:10 989 墨鱼


第十九组:非谓语动词181.把问题留给我,看我能否解决。并列句) Leave the question to me and see if I can solve it. 182. 你能看见这个在修建的大桥吗?Can you see the bridge 2. She told me two stories, but ___ of them was interesting, A. either B. both C. neither D. none 3. 248 is ___. A. two hundred and fourty-eight B

阅读是语文学习中很重要的能力,我们可以选择一些什么样的经典来阅读呢?相信不少人已经读过中国古典的四大名著了。佛山一中语文科特意为高一新生推荐了一个书目7.I will be grateful if you could considerme favorably as an applicant for the position. 8. I shall be very much obliged if you willoffer me an opportunity for an inter

Please tell me where she has gone. 请告诉我她去哪里了(me 作动词宾语) I heard him coming with them. 我听说他和他们一起来(him 作宾语,them 作介词宾语) 2、人称代词作主语I will never forget the things she did for me. I will never forget what she did for me.(更符合习惯) how to do it 代替the method to do it 他没有管理能力。He doesn't h

(1)You were so kind that you took me to the hospital and didn’t leave until my friend arrived. (2)You always encourage me to read extensively(广泛阅读)/use lateral thGive me the red one instead of the green one. 21.spoken 口头的,口语的。spoken English口头英语speaking 讲话的,说某种语言的。Speaking skills讲英语的能力22. 提建议

+0+ S:Let me see. Yes, I can. (Sorry, I cant.) 把飞机模型等交给学生,由学生之间进行对话。2.打开书,两人一组进行课文第三部分对话。指导学生正确利用右边给出的短语。请几组同学到各位在写作时总会用它来替换“meaningful 有意义的”,但是这个词建议各位关注它表示程度“非常、很”的用法,比如“significant difference 显著不同”,就是特别


标签: Me的造句



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