
crash例句,crash with

关于crash的短语 2023-12-31 16:03 584 墨鱼

crash例句,crash with

例句:Number 365 comes forward into the final crush。编号365迈进了最终粉碎的大门2、crush作为名词,还有一层意思:就是“短暂地、热烈地但又是羞涩地爱恋。例句:I had a crush crash crash 英[kræʃ] 美[kræʃ] v.碰撞;使发出巨响;暴跌;睡觉;n.碰撞;碰撞声;暴跌;崩溃;adj.应急的;速成的;高中CET4 CET6 考研TOEFL IELTS 网络释义撞车;欲望号快车;崩溃

ˇ^ˇ 9、Didn't you have acrash? 10、Automatic cleanup after acrash. 11、Acrashcourse in English 12、That planecrashwas a terrible business. 13、Samantha:8、She lost a leg in a carcrash.(她在一次车祸中失去了一条腿。9、Her mother was killed in a planecrash.(她的母亲死于一次飞机失事。10、Most of thecrashvictims w

>ω< crash to (v.+prep.) crash with (v.+prep.) crash的用法例句:1. A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。2. Invecrash to (v.+prep.) crash with (v.+prep.) crash的用法例句:1. A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区

crash 显示所有例句n. 交通事故vehicle accident 1. 撞车;碰撞;相撞an accident in which a vehicle hits sth, for example another vehicle, usually causing damage and o应急的,速成的adv. 哗啦一声地常用短语1. Crash test:撞击测试2. :单词朗读双语例句1. crash例句版权,暂不提供站内查看,查看来源. 来自ICIBA例句

crash 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释I wrote a book about the crash of 1929 . 我写过一本有关1929年崩盘的图书。All he can do afterwards is crash .单词crash 例句大全,用单词crash造句:an aircrash 飞机坠毁事故applicationcrash 应用程序崩溃What if youcrashagain? 如果再摔倒了怎么办There's gonna be acrash. 而你


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