
give in to同义短语,do well in同义短语

come up with同义短语 2023-12-12 19:33 945 墨鱼
come up with同义短语

give in to同义短语,do well in同义短语

4. Ways to give advice. T: Discuss with your partners to find other ways of giving suggestions. Step 3 Practice 1. My hometown. 2. Fill in the blanks. 3. Things to do in Wuxi. 4. WelFor Example同义词、短语1."For instance " 2."To give you an idea …3."As proof …4."Suppose that …5."To illustrate …6."Imagine …7."Pretend that …

同义替换:being absent-minded absence 原始涵义:n. 缺席,不在Iwant to ask for leave of absence for several days. 我想请几天假。缺乏,不存在In the aB. Did you have ___ in ___ the math problem? 8.A.He’ll come to my birthday soon after he finishes his project. B. He’ll come to my birthday ___ ___ ___ his project is

It isn't mine; I must give it back to the owner.这不是我的,我得把它归还原主。2.后退stand back Give back there, the express is due.往后退,快车就要进站了。give in(v.+agive in to 意思是“屈服于”,及物动词,两者的区别是由于他们的词性而定的,因为give in本身是一个不及物动词短语,后面不可以加名词或代词。因此假如要加上名词

雅思考试必备:160个同义词替换中性动词1.导致:v. cause, bring about, give rise to, lead to, generate, create, Be a contributing factor to 2.认为:v. point out, argue同义短语荟萃1.擅长;在……方面做得好be good at=do well in 例如:She is good at English.她擅长英语。2.对……亲切be good to=be friendly to 例如:Our math teacher is

6、give out - 分发,用尽7、give up on - 放弃,对不抱希望8、give in to - 屈服,听从9、give rise to - 引11. allergic to 对……过敏Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch, I must be allergic to something. 12. at sb's service 愿为某人服务


标签: do well in同义短语



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