

earlier造句子简单 2023-11-19 11:52 950 墨鱼


6、My knee feels fine. 7、I'm feeling fine. 8、A snack is fine. 9、What a fine needlework! 10、Fine, fine, you are right," he replied, unruffled. 1There is a fine view of the countryside 这里可以看到乡村的美景。Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes.莉娜身体很好,还让我转达她对你的爱和

单词fine 例句大全,用单词fine造句:I'mfine. Everything's justfine. 我还好啊,一切安好。Yeah, no, she'sfine. She'sfine. 没关系,她很好,她没事儿。Afinecrack in a surfine造句复制1、We get along justfinetogether.(我们相处得很融洽。2、Don't worry. Your speech wasfine.(别担心。你的讲话挺好的。3、He was reputed to be afineco

?ω? fine造句简单1、She has the makings of a fine teacher 她具备做一个优秀教师的素质2、Joyce I have decided for my father. I will buy two of the fine Chardonnay wines没人能永葆青春。The weather stayed fine for a week. The weather was fine for a week. 这个星期天气一直很好。、状态转变动词这类动词只有6个,它们分别是become、ge

你怕一个陌生人干啥子?亏大了!!!2.教室都有监控,没有人会针对你。3.大家进去就要变成演员。演1、fine,adj.高质量的;美好的;健康的;身体很好的;(指行为、建议、决定)可接受;adv.可接受;够好;蛮不错;n.罚金;罚款;v.处…以罚金;2、例句]Just give

fine造句31、Thefine-grained wood of the orange tree, used infinewoodwork. 32、But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now.We'refine. We're allfinfⅰne造句简单1、Thesepearlshadafinelustre. 这些珍珠有一种细柔的光泽。2、Grodinisafinecomicactor. 格罗丁是一位好的滑稽演员。3、Hewas reputed tobe afinecook. 他


标签: 用evening造句子简单



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