
turn out造句,putorr造句

sound发出声音造句 2023-11-20 13:42 906 墨鱼

turn out造句,putorr造句

单词turn out 例句大全,用单词turn out造句:toturn outwell/ badly 结果很好/ 很糟The crops willturn outwell. 庄稼会长得不错。It's gonnaturn outfine,Bree. 会没事的,turn out造句复制1、Her toesturn out.(她的脚趾向外撇。2、That's enough to make a connection, and this connection canturn outto be more beneficial than we might

turn out造句简单

用turn out造句1. The party turned out to be a huge success. 2. It turned out that he was lying the whole time. 3. The weather turned out to be perfect for our piturn out造句:1、His toes turn out. 2、They turn out the light. 3、Sometimes bad things can turn out good. 4、Nurture it, and they'll turn out adm

turn out造句子

turn out造句1、Don't lose heart, and all willturnoutwell. 不要失去信心,一切都会好起来的。2、Mr Bookstaber's demon may yetturnoutto be an angel in disguise. 布克turn u out的造句和例句:1. We want to know who'll turn us out ! " At first, Fairyland is not to their liking, as it is decorated with " ridiculous extravagance ",

turn out造句并翻译

 ̄□ ̄|| 1、Its basic function is to convertturnout,turnoutand reflect theturnoutlocked position and status. 2、But most important, it dramatically improvest1、Her toesturn out. 2、Theyturn outthe light. 3、Things willturn outright. 4、To go amiss;turn outbadly. 5、Everything willturn outfor the best. 6、


标签: putorr造句



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