
planted with,planted in fields

be planted with 2024-01-06 14:09 748 墨鱼
be planted with

planted with,planted in fields

4. The interior flatlands and valleys are thickly planted with coconuts. 内陆的平地和山谷中种着茂密的椰子树。5. Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outsiPlanted with or abounding in willows. 英美柳树成荫的,多柳树的分享单词到:

Wheat wasplantedin two of the fields and the ramining land was dug over and left bare. 麦子种在两块地里,剩下的土地被翻土,休耕了。The field wasplantedwith barley,Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outside the door. 桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。In a coded telephone warning, Scotland Yard were told four bo

ˋ^ˊ〉-# Acres of land here are planted with corn. 这个地块儿种植的全都是玉米。On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. 地上平放着一棵准备种植的小树。权威例Parentsalsoknownasthe"cattleagainsttheheadSuier"plant,withfine alfalfa,wheatas thenoblehead. 还有家长人叫作“牛抵头穗儿”的植物,开着细细的紫花,麦穗一样高贵的昂着

plant sth (with sth) 在(某处)栽种The field had been ploughed and planted with corn. 这块地已犁过并种上了玉米。祝同学学习进步~planted 级别附加级音标[ pla:ntɪd ] 解释v.种植( plant的过去式和过去分词);建立;移植(动物、植物);在(某处)栽种英英释义发音例句1. forests planted with beec

7. Evergreens planted to cut off the east wind. 为挡住东风而种植的常绿植物。8. He planted exotics in the sheltered garden. 他在不受风雨侵袭的花园New crops can be planted . 人们可种植新品种作物。They planted only the highest quality rice . 家里当时只种植最好的水稻。Over 47000 hectares have been planted wi


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