

commence怎么记 2023-11-26 10:07 683 墨鱼


刚学pebble, peddle, paddle, puddle的时候,我也常常张冠李戴. 那时peddle记得很模糊,学新单词paddle时,总是把paddle记成鹅软石. 接着碰到puddle, 感觉单词似曾相识,就是想不起pebble: 多指海边、河边或沙中圆形的小卵石。英语解释:名词pebble: a small smooth rounded rock 例句:The boy teases the dog by pebble it with acorn. 男孩子们用橡树

ˋ▽ˊ 英音['peblz] 美音['peblz] pebbles 基本解释n.[复数]鹅卵石;沙砾;卵石,小圆石( pebble的名词复数) 中文词源pebbles 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释pebbles怎么记?pebbles的意思是n. 鹅卵石,砾石pebble的第三人称单数和复数。记忆方法:【谐音】“拍薄”→河水冲刷,把pebble鹅卵石拍薄了→ pebble n.卵石,小圆石

记忆法添加记忆法1.pe体育,bb宝宝,le快乐-》体育宝宝乐玩卵石。【Daniel】0 0 真题例句1.Not a single pebble was found that might have indicated that the pebbles cahobble v.蹒跚,跛行nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃pebble n.小卵石,石子quibble n.遁词,吹毛求疵的反对意见rabble n.乌合之众,暴民,下等人rubble n.(一堆)碎

1. Pebble 英:ˈpebl] n.鹅卵石;砾石例句:The boy put his hand into the money bag and drew out a pebble.男孩把手伸进钱袋中,拿出了一粒鹅卵石。2. Magnet 英:ˈmæɡnət1. pebble什么意思1. The boys teased the dog by pebbling it with acorns. 男孩子们用橡树果打狗逗它玩。2. We are going to pebble the walks in the park. 我们将用鹅

+▂+ 1. You throw apebblein a pool and it ripples. 往池塘里扔块鹅卵石就会激起一片涟漪。来自柯林斯例句2. The bird mistook thepebblefor egg and tried to hatch it. 这只On the way, Hansel dropped a pebble every several meters. 一路上,亨舍儿每隔几米就扔一块鹅卵石。The son put his hand into the moneybag and drew out a pebble. 儿子


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