

代替他 2023-11-17 22:41 229 墨鱼


eg. we'll play football instead of basketball/playing basketball.replace 是及物动词直接加宾语.构成replace sth. (or sb's place)取代某人的职位等.replace A with B,意为用B代替某人做某事英语代替某人做某事:do sth. for sb./instead of/replace sb. to do sth.。例:He replaced his brother as goalkeeper.Have they found anyone to replace her yet?

代替某人的英文1.take sb.'s place 2.substitute for sb. 3.in sb's room 4.in sb's stead 关于代替某人的英文短语代替某人职务take one's place ; take the place of 代1. 代替的英语短语有take the place of,substitute for。2. take the place of,具体发音为英[teɪk ðə pleɪs ɒv],美[teɪk ðə pleɪs əv]。其意思是代替,接替某人的位

(^人^) 1 代替的短语是instead of。用法搭配:take the place of sb 代替某人;代替to take the place of 取代instead of doing 代替做某事ride instead of walk 代替的短语是instead of。用法搭配:take the place of sb 代替某人;代替to take the place of 取代instead of d

代替某人的法语翻译英语翻译:【法】substitute for sb. 分词翻译:代的英语翻译:era; generation; take the place of 【电】generation 替的英语翻译:on behalf of; re取代某人的位置的英文短语:Take sbs place.例句:If Im leaving, he hopes that Steven will take my place as producer. 如果我离开的话,他希望史蒂文能代替我做制片人。扩展资料He


标签: 你想我代替谁英文



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