
come up with同义短语,around的同义短语

find out同义词替换 2023-11-24 20:27 212 墨鱼
find out同义词替换

come up with同义短语,around的同义短语

come up with,后面可以跟代词,是一个没有被动语态的动词短语,在课文中意为“提出”“想出”。同义词组为think of。如:She came up with a new suggestion to solve the pro..e up with同义短语是:bring/put forward;occur to;think of;figure out;work out;think out。1. 解释词组:come up with:kʌm ʌp wɪ

ˋ^ˊ 15e up with…想出/提出…答案,主意等) =figure out…hit on/upon (高考英语出现过) 16.表示“阻止、防止、禁止”的动词都可以与from连用ban/prohibit/同义词|introduce/present/prefer/put in/bring forward;提出;想出;赶上网络扩展资料单词come up with通常用于表示“提出”、“想出”、“创造”等含义。它是一个动词短语

解答一举报think up 想出解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答更多答案(1) 相似问题come up with 的同义词是什么come up with的同义词come up ..e up with的同义短语是什么啊相关知识点:试题来源:解析think up 想出结果一题目come up with的同义短语是什么啊答案think up 想出相关推荐1come up with的同义

come up with同义短语“come up with同义短语是:bring/put forward;occur to;think of;figure out;work out;think out。”©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用..e up with 【解析】句意:让我们想个办法解决这个问题。短语“think of”意为“想出”,同义短语用come up with;空前有“let”,所以come用原形。故填come;up;with。14、they d


标签: around的同义短语



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