

day和Day的区别 2023-12-06 18:55 349 墨鱼


catch的用法例句1. He missed the catch and the match was lost. 他没有接住球,比赛输了。2. The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips. 那把茶壶配有一个可以接滴水的茶make a day of it make sb's day name the day new day not one's day not to have all day off day old days one day day的用法例句:1. Carpe diem. Seize the day

, 例句:Day drew in and ilight deepened.,白天即过,暮色渐浓。工作日[C] , 例句:All he could say was: "Henry sent me here to tell you that tomorrodaily adj.日常的;day dream n.白日梦精选例句高考四级六级考研1、Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time,no matter the day. 无论白天还是晚上,都要遵守规定的睡觉时

∪▽∪ whether的用法例句1. The key issue was whether the four defendants acted dishonestly. 关键问题是4名被告是否存在欺诈行为。2. It's not a case of whetdoubt的用法例句:1. There can be little doubt that he will offend again. 毋庸置疑他还会再犯的。2. They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt. 毫无疑问,他

╯﹏╰ 【篇三】remind的用法例句1. Dietary experts can advise on the ins and outs of dieting. 饮食专家可以对日常饮食的方方面面提出建议。2. Could you suggeday的意思是白天;一天;时代。英[deɪ] 美[deɪ]例句:Owls sleep by day and work at night.翻译:猫

5、一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。6、例句:She often came to help us in those days. I didn't know you were so busy. 7、用法(day的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.) Owls sleep by day and work at night. 猫头鹰白天睡觉晚上工作。There will be occasional showers during the day. 白天将偶有阵雨


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