

earn造句 2023-12-23 21:30 687 墨鱼


1、The speaker received a hearty acclaim from the audience. 2、The boy made a hearty and satisfying meal, and was greatly refreshed and gladdened by He laughed, a coarse hearty guffaw .他哈哈笑了起来,一阵粗率、热诚的大笑。It's difficult to find hearty in a sentence. 用hearty造句挺难的The old man is still hal

Grandfather will be80 years old, but he is hale and hearty. 祖父就要80高龄了,但仍精神矍铄。They gave him a hearty welcome. 他们衷心欢迎他。详细解释:heart.yadj.(5. Russian cuisine is famous for its hearty and filling dishes. 6. The Russian ballet is world-renowned for its grace and beauty. 7. Russian history is filled wit

∪△∪ 1、And they had ahearty mealtogether. 2、He washed himself, and ate ahearty meal. 3、She has HAD ahearty mealto refresh the inner woman. 4、Because tHeartyEnglish​ 南开大学英语口译硕士标题可能夸大或与内容不符不知不觉,已经9月中旬了,距离2022年考研还剩最后98天。再坚持奋斗最后98天,大家就能在考场

wink单词造句1.He gave harry a hearty wink and strode off . 他亲切地朝哈利眨了眨眼,迈着方步走开了。2.May only be the dark 's embarrassed wink . 也许只是黑暗局促不安的一8、Rand Paul took the stage toheartycheers.(兰德·保罗带着爽朗的欢呼声走上了讲台。9、It's probably no surprise that theseheartylegumes are good for you.(这些营


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