
be heard of,hear sth being done

heard的过去式和过去分词 2023-12-12 20:35 391 墨鱼

be heard of,hear sth being done

˙^˙ be heard doing sth被听到正在做某事 heard 解释v. 听到,听见( hear的过去式和过去分词);听说;得知;听取n. (Heard)人名;英)赫德例句:Haveyouheardthenews?你们听说新闻1.be heard to do与be heard doing的区别2.请指出句中括号内的错误并解释:All of us wanted to know (why the sports meeting won't begin).第一个问题给个句子:The little g

hear of 美英na.听说;获悉;收到…的消息;知道网络听到;听说过;得悉第三人称单数:hears of 现在分词:hearing of 过去式:heard of 同义词v. countenance,consider,conceihear of 美[hɪr ɑv] 英[hiə ɒv] na.听说;获悉;收到…的消息;知道网络耳闻第三人称单数:hears of现在分词:hearing of过去式:heard of 同义词v. countenance,consider,c

(2)be afraid of+名词/代词/动名词,意为"害怕某人/做某事", 往往指长期具有的心理状态。I am afraid of going out at night. 我害怕晚上出去。3)be afraid for后习惯接表示人的代We could use our green capes to fight FOR a paradigm of growing older where we can all be heard and seen and supported, not just for what is “wrong”with us, bu

4. 在动词know, hear, speak等之后用不用介词about / of,含义有差别:I have heard about him, but I don't know him. 我听到过一些关于他的事,但不认识他这个人。I've heard oft hear what they were saying most of the time.be heard to do somethingShe didn’t want to be heard to criticize him.somebody doesn’t hear too well/very well(=they have problems with


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