

impoverished造句 2023-12-15 15:03 158 墨鱼


He shuffles around in his chair 他在椅子上如坐针毡。He grinned and shuffled his feet. 他咧嘴笑了,脚动来动去。VERB 洗(牌) If youshuffleplaying cards, you mix 权威造句1. She noticed her own proud walk had become ashuffle. 她意识到自己趾高气扬的步伐已变成了拖着脚走路了。来自柯林斯例句2. Your baby will try toshuffleor

ˋ0ˊ shuffle out ofv. 笨拙地脱下shuffle box换气箱Pope shuffle教皇改组shuffle washer振动式清洗机shuffle up仓促拼凑,草草完成shuffle the cardsv.进行角色大调动,改变方1、文章的整体走向要凸显真善美,不要过分标新立异,尤其是写一些暗黑、反常识的结局(比如大家知道浙

╯▽╰ 1、shufflesth.out of sight 2、Walk properly don'tshuffle. 3、a Cabinetshuffle=ashuffleof the Cabinet 4、move,shuffle,fiddle about restively 5、shuffGive the cards a goodshuffle. 把牌好好洗一洗。牛津词典Middle children tend to get lost in theshuffle. 排行居中的子女往往得不到充分的关注。牛津词典Moirashuffle

shuffle造句复制1、Purists say that a further drop in house prices would merelyshufflewealth around.(纯粹主义者说房价的进一步下跌只会围绕财富重新洗牌。2、You m1、to shufflepapers around 2、Who is goingto shuffle? 3、Herman beganto shufflethe deck. 4、The Policeman continuesto shuffletoward her. 5、recombin

ˇ▽ˇ 英汉英英网络释义shuffle 显示所有例句v. 1. [i] + adv./prep. 拖着脚走to walk slowly without lifting your feet completely off the ground 2. [t][i] ~ (sth) (笨拙Don'tshuffle, give me a clear answer. 别支支吾吾,给我一个明确的答复。Who is going toshuffle? 该谁洗牌了?词形变化:名词:shuffler|动词过去式:shuffled|动词过去分词


标签: shrewd造句



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