
fired off,fired from的意思

fired的中文是什么 2023-12-03 21:45 199 墨鱼

fired off,fired from的意思

4、fire off 开枪、射击;(常指愤怒地)连珠炮似地说、奋笔疾书They fired off a volley of shots.他们举枪齐射。She spent an hour firing off emails to all concerned.她花了The meaning of FIRE OFF is to write and send usually in haste or anger. How to use fire off in a sentence.

usinggasorelectricityas powera gas firean electric fireturn the fire on/offTurn on the fire, I’m cold.turn the fire up/down(=make it hotter or colder)4shooting[uFire somehthing off, 不是指“走火”,也不是指“熄火”,而是指“匆忙寄发〔表达愤怒的信件〕”。👨‍💻发音Fired off是可以连读的,大家可以注意这个地方。

" be fired" 被解雇,被开除;(一般是一个员工被解雇)be laid off " 被裁员;下岗;失业;(一般是一群员工,或大规模地被裁员)be dismissed" 被解散;被撤语种:其他发行时间:2019-04-01 唱片公司:TuneCore, Inc. 类型:Single 播放全部更多歌曲歌手时长1 Fired Off (Explicit) 播放添加到歌单Jake Clements 02:37 查看更多内容,请下

They will fire off a signal flare.他们将发射一发信号弹。An old man fired off crackers.一个老人点燃了爆竹。The engine fired and we moved off.点着引擎后我们就开走了7. A gunman fired off a volley of shots into the air. 持枪歹徒朝天扫射了一排子弹。8. It was Allen who fired this rivalry with real passion. 是艾伦为这场较量注入

fire off 美英na.发射(火箭等);发炮;使爆炸;熄灭(火) 第三人称单数:fires off现在分词:firing off过去式:fired off 英汉英英na. 1. 发射(火箭等) 2. 发炮,开炮3. 使爆炸如果你非常生气地写了一封邮件,发了一条消息,就不需要用send 或者write sth angrily, 只要直接说I fired off an email, 别人就能知道,你是带着怒气写的了。fire off 这个


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